The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Steady moving...

I don't want you all to think that we have halted progress on the bathroom here...we are continuing to move forward with the last few critical steps. You will be happy to know (we are happy to know) that we have both toilet and shower back up and running at this point. This morning's shower at home was the best - never take that for granted. You know what else is going to be great? When I get in the shower in 5 min for my second one of the day. Can't get enough of it :)

So the big piece we are working on now is the wainscoting/trim (our attempt at masking the unsightly waste pipe that was put in outside of the frame of the wall...sweet. This finish carpentry business is tough stuff. B is doing a fantastic job of scribing, coping, and finishing things. He is much more patient at it than I would be - and he got a power sander out of the deal so things are looking up :) This part of the project is pretty important to get to look good but is also hard not to rush - all we want is a finished bathroom! That is why we are taking our time and making sure that when we are getting ticked at the pipe, walls which are not totally square, and contractors who did not put in studs at the recommended distance - we just go to bed!

Headed back to Boston for the Holiday weekend. If we make any great strides tomorrow we'll let you know - otherwise, see you next week :)


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