The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Monday, May 17, 2010

Movin and Groovin

Workin hard over here to keep things moving forward. To be honest, all that we really want to do is sit on the couch and watch TV - all we are doing is sanding down drywall joints, mixing up thinset, and laying tile. It is really one in the same, right?

Things are looking great though - got the new hot water heater in today which is something every girl looks forward to in her life. Seriously though, the water is STEAMY. We felt pretty good about replacing the old one after the plumber was lamenting about the amount of silt in the bottom - yep, we were due (thanks for the reminders Dad ;) ).

This evening, Flick and I spent a few hours sanding down all the drywall joints - we looked like we had rolled around in powdered sugar but thanks to our sweet new shop vac we are good as new in there. I am writing as we wait for the thinset to slake so I don't know where we are going to end up with our progress tonight. I am guessing we are going to finish up the walls in the shower and start in on the ceiling but not finish it (though we really want to!). That's my prediction - we'll let the pictures we upload at the end of the night be the judge. I have a strong desire to grout the shower tomorrow but I think I am going to need to wait another day. We'll see though...wish us luck!


  1. Seriously - slake? I've heard of slake one's thirst but "waiting for the thinset to slake"? (Never mind that I'd not heard tile cement called "thinset".) Are you guys getting ready for a Brian Regan skit as in "I walked on the moon" and you guys go "that's nothing I slaked my thinset"?

    Must be working though since the job looks terrific.

  2. yup, that is what all of the cool kids are calling it... thinset. We're obviously the coolest. And slaking? I still don't know what it is but I have been doing it a lot lately.

  3. Ahem - slaking is letting the thinset sit for approx 10 minutes to allow the chemical reactions between the powder and the water to start "doing their thing" - that's official speak "doing their thing".
