The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Both camera batteries are dead so you are going to have to take my word on this one - we have made some progress with getting the walls up! We'll get some pictures up there tomorrow - it looks good, very purple as a matter of fact. "Greenboard" (the mold/moisture resistant version of drywall) is actually a nice lavender color. It has made me realize that we did a good thing by picking out a light paint color - small internal rooms with no windows do not fare well with dark walls.

I've decided that I am going to stop trying to predict what we will accomplish during our next working session since we actually have yet to meet those predictions. :) Granted, everything is getting done, just a bit more slowly than we always think it will...

Some things that can slow down a project include:

1.) Trying to keep normal life in check (think walking Dozer, making dinner, going to work...). The hours really slip through our fingers at the end of the day. We officially have almost no clean clothes since, as some of you may know, our dryer doesn't vent to the outside (are we noticing a trend?) so it gets humid in the house when we use it - probably not good when we are trying to keep moisture out of our walls :)

2.) The existing architecture - we have spent more time shimming walls, reinforcing studs so we have something to nail/screw into, and planning how to get the drywall around this ridiculous black waste pipe that sticks out beyond the studs than we could have ever imagined. Square walls would be SO helpful!

3.) The size of the drywall that we can maneuver around the corner into our bathroom - we could have done one wall in 2 big pieces, however, they couldn't make the turn. Darn! That means more seams and screws to put in and then cover up in a few days.

4.) Michelle getting tired and staring at the wall and thinking about how nice it will be when it is done :)

We'll get those photos up there tomorrow for sure! Feliz Cinco de Mayo!


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