The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Came back from CT this afternoon and got right to work. It was kind of refreshing to see the family, have some time away from "the project", and to take a shower in the same building where we were sleeping.

So before we left, we got the first row of tile up. We had been talking about tiling and staring at the wall and holding the tiles up for a few days - once it came time to mix up the thinset, it took us a minute to work up the nerve to just do it. That stuff is basically cement so there is no turning back once you get going.

Today we really got going. Finished the whole back wall and started up the first row of one of the side walls. If anyone is keeping track of the time-stamp you will notice we are really burning the midnight oil here. Fortunately we had some good naps on the plane today which allowed us to keep pushing forward. Flick is doing a great job of mixing and spreading thinset, positioning tile, and getting everything looking really good. I am in charge of spacers, managing the level and sponge, and being the second set of eyes to ensure everything is lining up pretty well. I think we are a pretty good team - we started off the evening with a little KYGO on the radio and once it got too late, I pulled out a few verses of the random songs which popped into my head. Not too many though, Flick hasn't run away yet.

New hot water heater is coming in on Monday morning and I think we are hours away from the toilet coming out...

:) Mich

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