The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now that is a shower!

Finished up tiling in the shower today...WOOOHOOO!!!! Wow, what a great feeling. Not only does it look really nice but this also means that we don't have to tile again tomorrow. We are more than ready to move on to the next step. What that next step is...well, I am not going to venture to guess what tomorrow will bring. For the record, Flick and I really tried to put together some sort of a schedule for the week but it has already been revised twice (we made the first one on Monday so if you do the math, that means we have revised it each day = we never quite get as far as we had hoped to, we apparently are not fast learners).

Here we go, lets wrap this thing up!!! (Ok so we still have a lot to do but it feels like we are right there!)

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