The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Monday, May 3, 2010


That's right everyone - consider our bathroom fully plumbed and wired. We finished the plumbing for behind our sick new vanity and have all the switches and outlets ready to rock and roll. Guess what that means...we now have electricity back to our bedroom! Who knew that our bathroom and bedroom were on the same circuit? Well, we did after we cut power to the bathroom and subsequently had to get ready for bed by candlelight. We figure our electricity savings this month should offset those cold winter nights when we cranked the heat up to 65 degrees...mmm, balmy.

Now - just because the photos don't show any major transformations, don't think that Flick and I are sitting on the couch eating bonbons. We actually can't even sit on the couch because of all the home improvement supplies we have acquired over the last few weeks. The only time we are off our feet is when we are eating dinner and driving to and from work (ok, and while I am updating the blog). My shins were sore after the first day from spending so much time moving around.

All the behind the walls work should be pretty well squared away at this point so hopefully we can put in the insulation and get some walls up tomorrow. Wouldn't that be great? Walls...what a luxury! Well we are going to catch up on some much needed sleep here; gnight all!



  1. It's great that there are now eco-friendly methods to resolve those leaks and pipelines.

  2. Interesting article. Plumbing is a very important aspect in all phases of housekeeping.
