The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


No pictures to entertain you all with :) We are in the process of installing wainscoting (pronunciation is up for debate on that one, we just alternate between "wayne-scoating" and "wayne-scotting" - wain-scoating is correct I believe). The paneling has really helped us out with that dreadful black waste pipe situation. Now the only visible piece is the cap which is very tolerable.

The sink/vanity is in place and were hoping to have it operating - however, per the usual, we have the wrong water lines so we need to go get those (very important when installing a sink). It is ok though - now that we have the location of the sink I am free to start shopping for the storage my head this is the most fun part but we will have to see how long my patience lasts!

It is looking really nice though - we have been showering at home for a week and it is pretty great. We'll get some pictures up soon but we really want to have the sink/fixtures in for a real visual "BAM". I am actually enjoying working on the project more now that we have the toilet and the shower operational. It feels like there is a lot less pressure - though the June 18th deadline is moving in quick! Look for another update on Monday morning after we have the weekend to get things steady moving again!


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