The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Monday, June 14, 2010

T-Minus 4 days until the deadline!

Pressure is on! We made big steps forward today - the drawers came in from Pier 1!!! So glad we didn't get the floor model, the brand new set looks really great and fits the space perfectly. No doubt, we are going to have to be smart with our space in the bathroom but it feels so much more open without the monstrosity of a cabinet that we had in there before - bleh. The drawers being in means good news for the Parent family - the guest bed is back (ok, except for Flick's 52 shirts to iron but those are portable). It feels so good to not have the bathroom belongings strewn about the guest bedroom. Oh, man, SO great!

So the toilet is caulked, sink is good to go, we have some face plates on the light switches/plugs, and Flick filled all the finishing nail holes in the wainscoting...our big guy on the to-do list for tomorrow is the caulking of the bathtub. We are ready to get some straight silicone on that beast - it will be good to take a shower at home again :) So, slightly on topic, I Googled some combination of words involving "silicone", "caulk", and "bathtub" last week and pulled up a nice little article entitled:

"Bathtub caulk butt jobs land N.J. women in hospital"

Talk about a teaser - I couldn't help but open the link. This brief little ditty was about a group of women in Jersey who were having silicone injections into their tushes for a little "lift". Turns out, the shady "Drs" they were going to for this relatively uncommon procedure (go-figure) was injecting the equivalent of silicone bathtub caulk into their bums. As my sister would so eloquently put it...GROSS.

Anywho, hope you enjoy the latest photos - we need to get some Art on the walls in there to really tie this thing together - the wainscoting and door trim is an ongoing project at this point but we need to watch ourselves - we are at the point where the bathroom is (almost, darn shower) fully useable and it is really easy to just kick back and get on with our summer. We will prevail though and wrap it up - I think that our motivator to finish will be throwing a little bbq/pool party/get-together to celebrate the end of the project!


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