The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chair rails and mirrors

Good "visual" progress today :) We have the main walls fully wainscoted! Though we took a step back in the shower/tub area we made big progress with the rest of the space. Flick has mustered up some impressive carpentry skills and did a great job "coping" the chair rail corners so they fit together nicely (I did a great job of holding the work light and supervising). In other news, I taped around the base of the toilet so that is also ready to be caulked (enter pat-on-the-back for B and Mich). Looking good in there!

The big unknown at this point is the storage drawers we bought over the weekend. We took a nice little Sunday drive in the Bronco down to Pier 1 in Broomfield and bought a set of drawers is going to be great in the space. Unfortunately, the store didn't have any in stock other than what was on the floor and they were slightly banged up. We made the executive decision to order a brand new one which SHOULD be coming in on Friday - if not it will come in next Friday which would be highly problematic (the Parents are coming to town) and I will likely spend the weekend finding a Pier 1 with a good one in stock.

As a little side-story, only a few of you have actually met the '69 Bronco in person but she is a real beaut. Big, blue, rusty, gassy, and pretty fun to drive in :) On the way home, her age got the better of her and she stopped running near the top of a hill on CO-93 heading into Boulder. Hmmmm. We popped the hood (or wrestled it open; it may or may not weight 300lbs) and made sure nothing was leaking/smoking/on fire then pushed her up the hill a little ways so that she was in a nice big dirt shoulder. The gas gauge on the Bronco doesn't work and it gets about 1.4 miles to the gallon so we decided to try and put a little more gas in her enormous tank. We didn't get 4 yards from our car with the iconic red fuel receptacle when a mom and her 2 girls on the way to the new Crocs outlet store stopped and picked us up. She brought us to the gas station, back to the Bronco, waited for us to test out the gas theory, and when that didn't work, drove us home. There are some really fantastic people in the world and she is one of them.

About 20 minutes after we got home we got a text from our friends Dan and Cindy asking us if our Bronco had broken down on CO-93 :) I guess when you have a Bronco like ours (see description in previous paragraph), it is easy to identify out on the road (or shoulder). Dan and Cindy have TONS of fun tools/toys (one of those being a tow rope) and a sweet truck which they graciously offered up as a means to get the Bronco home. That makes 3 fantastic people in one day! We are pretty lucky.

To wrap up a long story, the Bronco is "back in the stable" and I am sure all of our neighbors are really glad to see that she is home. Next project on the to-do list...get the Bronco back running. Just in case you were wondering, we don't really ever sit around.


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