The Renovators!

The Renovators!
Can they do it???

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Battle with the pipes

Demo is complete! We finished up the demolition yesterday then spent 3 hours and a small sum of money at the Home Depot. Rented a truck to lug all of our wall board, tub, and instulation home and made it back in the 75 min required to only have to pay $20 for the truck :) Sweeeeet

Next lesson...things will take about 2x as long as you originally expect. Yep, we discussed it and are 2 days in and about 1 day behind where we thought we would be. We are staying relatively calm and after tonight should be pros at "showering" in the kitchen sink. B-Flick has officially soldered 20 or so joints today including 4 very difficult brass to copper joints. We like to start in the most difficult place when we begin a new trade...for example, re-building the plumbing to the shower. Most people would probably start by moving one pipe, maybe just practicing on some scrap stuff...nope, go big or go home.

We are heading to bed tonight ready to finish up our vapor barrier in the shower area tomorrow then drop in the tub. B has an HOA meeting on Tuesday night so we'll see where to go from there...we are enjoying the tag-team effort with everything! Can't wait for that shower at work in the morning :)


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